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Rich Snippets

This is how I may add the Rich Snippets mark-up to the page:

[Image: Snippets.png]

Have you completed the interview?

good, not disturbing while visible.

lp, stariocek

Yeah I think it's the best solution. I may yet change the styling and the location of the text. Also I will add a new field in Manage -> Pages for entering your own Rich Snippets item title. If the field is blank then the Page Reference will be used instead.

Have you completed the interview?

Please can you tell me how I can put this in code format.?
Sorry, but I can not do.
Also I get the number of votes on the user's name and I can not remove it.


[Image: ratings.jpg]

That is really cool, I like that. Is the "4 out of 5" the rating? or is that part of the name of the comment box?

No. There are two comments with a rating of 5. The problem is how to remove this counter and keep send valid Rich Snippets data .

It may be simple but I have little knowledge of PHP (and the english language Sad )

How do you get it to display like that?

Could you share your code / process - I would love to have mine show like that too.


I figured this one out too ... just edit the template comments to include the desired text.

THANKS for the idea. Wink

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