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Styling disappeared

Hello again,
I installed commentics earlier this year and got it styled thanks to your help. Suddenly all the styling has disappeared, and I just see blocks of text and broken image links.

Here is a page:

The link to the CSS is still there, and the CSS file is fine. I have no idea what went wrong, and would really appreciate a new set of eyes. Thanks


Your site is producing a "500 Internal Server Error" for the files inside the /comments/ folder.

If you view your stylesheet:

.. you'll see the 500 server error. However it's not only a problem with your stylesheet, it's all of the files inside the /comments/ folder, for example:

To find out what's causing the 500 server error, you'll need to look at your server's error log. If you have cPanel, you can do this by clicking the "Error Log" icon in the "Logs" section. Ask your host if you're not sure how to access it.

Once you know the actual error message, post it here and I can advise further.

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Thank you.
I checked and the error seemed to be the .htaccess file.

I removed the line php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off and now it works.

The comments look to be working again. Any danger of keeping the magic quotes on? Don't know why that made it stop working, I haven't changed that line since I installed it.

Your host likely changed their server settings so that you could no longer use that particular .htaccess command.

There's no danger to keeping it on. However you may notice a backslash before all of your apostrophes, which can be a bit annoying. For example, entering the comment:
It's a test.
may display as
It\'s a test.

Magic Quotes is gradually being phased out, so there's a chance that your host has actually disabled it, which would explain why the .htaccess command no longer works. To check using the Commentics admin panel, go to Reports -> PHP Info and search for "magic_quotes_gpc" to see if its value is set to Off.

If it's still on then you could try to turn it off using your site's php.ini file. Further details here:

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Your Like/Dislike (and probably your Flag) buttons aren't working.

It's likely to be conflicting with the other JavaScript on your page. If you upgrade to v2.2 it should fix this. In the meantime you may want to disable these features in Layout -> Comments -> Enabled.

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