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Changed Root

I need the file that has the comments in it to be at

The file I'm using is in that template folder
So I put the whole comments folder into that folder
My admin folder is root/styles/SoftBlueV3/template/comments/donna/

the installer, root/styles/SoftBlueV3/template/comments/installer worked

I can go to my admin

So my root is really root/styles/SoftBlueV3/template

But it doesn't work - Is there something else I have to move?
Can it work like this?

I would have deleted the past post, but I can't. Not sure why but it works if I put the direct path to the file, but not when I start with the php file at the root


The installation instructions say to upload the /comments/ folder to the root of the website.

There's no need to install it anywhere else.

You just need to set the right value for $cmtx_path. That's the correct way to approach it.

Have you completed the interview?

Got it working!! - I put the comment file back at the root, Made the file that the comments in back to HTML, where I wanted it in the template folder.

The big change that did it was that in that HTML file I changed the php lines to
Quote:<!-- PHP -->
<!-- ENDPHP -->

guess I needed that for phpbb


Made a new change if anyone is following this thread for their own use. This way I don't mix php and HTML

My page is only Html which includes the

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="comments/css/stylesheet.css"/>

in the head.
At the end, where I want the comments I just put
<!-- INCLUDEPHP newcomment.php -->

In the root is newcomment.php

$cmtx_identifier = '1';
$cmtx_reference = 'Page One';
$cmtx_path = 'comments/';
define('IN_COMMENTICS', 'true'); //no need to edit this line
require $cmtx_path . 'includes/commentics.php'; //no need to edit this line

took out the session_start(); line cause I have that even earlier and it gave me a warning

So that's how to put commentic in a custom page in phpbb3

The above post worked, but that's not really the proper way to do this. I posted the real way to do it here

Big Grin

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