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Rich Snippets - Change "votes" to "reviews"?

Is there a way to change the word 'vote' to 'review' in the search engine results?  That is, just the word that appears in the Google search results. (see attached image)


Hi Randy,

I couldn't see any attachment but I know what you mean. The problem is that 'vote' and 'review' are different things. Votes are the number of votes and reviews are the number of comments. This is similar but different because not every comment will have a vote. To change it to review, you would need to add markup to the part of the page which says "Comments (638)". While this in itself wouldn't be a major task, Google says that if you add markup for the number of reviews "the page must also contain review markup for each reviewed item". This makes it a significant change which so far I've been reluctant to do in favour of the simpler vote markup.

Have you completed the interview?

It would definitely be much better if it displayed reviews instead of votes. Is that something you think you could change in the next update, Steven?

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