Posts: 2
Threads: 1
Joined: Dec 2010
Hi, enjoying using the script but just wondering if its possible to remove the date stamp for each comment?
Is it just a case of removing a couple of lines in the php?
Look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for this great script!
Posts: 2,895
Threads: 59
Joined: Jun 2010
Yes there are a couple of options.
1. The first method would be to remove it using CSS. Find the .date_text part in
comments/css/stylesheet.css and add 'display: none;' to it, like this:
.date_text {
color: #828282;
font-size: 0.8em;
display: none;
2. The second method is to comment out a few lines of code in
comments/includes/functions/comments.php, starting from (and including) line 130 and ending at (and including) line 138.
PHP Code:
/* $box .= "<span class='date_text'>";
if (date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dated)) == date("Y-m-d")) { //if comment's date is today
$box .= TODAY . " " . date($time_format, strtotime($dated));
} else if (date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dated)) == date("Y-m-d", mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d")-1, date("Y")))) { //if comment's date is yesterday
$box .= YESTERDAY . " " . date($time_format, strtotime($dated));
} else {
$box .= date($date_time_format, strtotime($dated));
$box .= "</span>"; */
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