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Invalid licence

Hello, I purchased a Plus license two years ago, but I can neither log in to the client area nor enter the license under Settings->License. I get an invalid license. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help

Hi Sascha,

I've checked the logs and it looks like you entered a licence key a few times that was only 8 characters in length.

Due to the consecutive failed attempts with this wrong password, it temporarily blocked you for 180 minutes.

During the time you were blocked, you entered your correct password (the one which is 32 characters).

However, because you were blocked, it doesn't allow access until the block is finished.

I've successfully logged in with your correct password so it's just a case of waiting for the block to end.

Have you completed the interview?

Hello, thx for your fast reply. I try it today and became the same error "The licence entered is invalid". It is the 32 characters key.
My Forum Name is also the right.

I think you managed to log in the client area, is that right?

For the Settings -> Licence page, it's because you're trying to activate it on '' but it's already activated on ''. A plus licence only allows one domain at a time. If you don't want to use it on '' anymore, you can log in to your client area and deactivate your licence. This will enable you to use it on a new domain.

Have you completed the interview?

Ah, thank you very much, very stupid of me. I'll install it on the other domain. Thank you

No worries, I'll change the message as well so it's clearer.

Have you completed the interview?

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