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comment_text formatted kind of weird?

I'm not sure if this is something which only affects me (I kinda been messing around in the source code), but I also saw this is happening in the demo.

Currently the comment_text is formatted like this:

PHP Code:
<div class='comment_text'>First paragraph<p />Second paragraph</div>

However, wouldn't it make more sense if it was formatted like this:

PHP Code:
<div class='comment_text'><p>First paragraph</p><p>Second paragraph</p></div>

I think it might be better for seo purposes, and in my case there wasn't any spacing between the line breaks (plus a truncate jquery plugin wasn't working because of this).

I already changed this for myself, not sure if anyone else wants it, but it's very easy to do.


Can you share the change that you made and I'll add it for the next version.

Have you completed the interview?

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