25-Feb-2012, 01:12 PM
Hello people,
for those of you with dynamic sites that wish to auto populate the pages table here is a script that can do it.
You need to have some understanding of php and sql, but help is included between the lines.
Change the queries to your situation / wishes.
in the example we connect to 2 tables, but if you store your url structure info in less or more you can copy it several times.
for those of you with dynamic sites that wish to auto populate the pages table here is a script that can do it.
You need to have some understanding of php and sql, but help is included between the lines.
Change the queries to your situation / wishes.
in the example we connect to 2 tables, but if you store your url structure info in less or more you can copy it several times.
PHP Code:
//script that connect to your main website database and inserts into commentics table
//script gathers main website url structure and inserts it into your commentics pages table.
// You need to have a good understanding of php and sql, use at own risk!!!
// You need to edit the queries to your situation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//DATABASE VARIABLES connecting to database 1 (main website for importing all urls)
$host=""; // MySQL host server
$gebruiker = "mainwebsite_db"; // Username MySQL database on server change to your own
$wachtwoord = "password"; // Password for accessing database change to your own
$dbnaam="mydatabase_name"; // Name of database on your server change to your own
mysql_connect($host, $gebruiker, $wachtwoord); // No need to change
mysql_select_db($dbnaam) or die (mysql_error()); // No need to change
//Our dynamic website has 4 tables that contain varibiables used to create urls in ouw main site
//In this posting we only show 2 imports - connections being made
//You can adjust this to your needs
// import 1
$regio_query =
`regionaam` ASC
$regio_result = mysql_query($regio_query) or die("FOUT: " . mysql_error());
$regio_aantal = mysql_num_rows($regio_result);
while ($regio = mysql_fetch_assoc($regio_result)) {
$regionaampje = ereg_replace(' ', '-', $regio["regionaam"]);
$regiotje = strtolower($regionaampje);
$regios = $regio["regionaam"];
echo('<p><a href="http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/'.strtolower($regionaampje).'/">' . $regio["regionaam"] . '</a></p>');
$host2=""; // De MySQL host of server
$gebruiker2 = "commentics_username"; // username of MySQL database for commentics on your server change to your own
$wachtwoord2 = "commenticpassword"; // Password MySQL database on server
$dbnaam2="commentics_db"; // Database name for commentics on your server
mysql_connect($host2, $gebruiker2, $wachtwoord2); // No need to edit
mysql_select_db($dbnaam2) or die (mysql_error()); // No need to edit
//change line 52 commentics_database to your own database name
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `commentics_database`.`pages` (
`id` ,
`custom_id` ,
`reference` ,
`url` ,
`is_form_enabled` ,
NULL , '$regios', 'http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/$regiotje/', '
http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/$regiotje/', '0', '2012-02-16 12:23:48') ") or die(mysql_error());
//step - import 2
$host=""; // MySQL host server
$gebruiker = "mainwebsite_db"; // Username MySQL database on server change to your own
$wachtwoord = "password"; // Password for accessing database change to your own
$dbnaam="mydatabase_name"; // Name of database on your server change to your own
mysql_connect($host, $gebruiker, $wachtwoord); // No need to change
mysql_select_db($dbnaam) or die (mysql_error()); // No need to change
//you need to edit / make your own query to get the info/output you wish to import
$select = "SELECT * FROM mydatabase GROUP BY plaats ASC";
$exec = mysql_query($select) or die ('Ojee, foutieve query! '.mysql_error());
while($plaats = mysql_fetch_array($exec)){
$link = ereg_replace(' ', '-', $plaats['plaatstitel']);
$campingkje = 'campings';
$campingslinkje = ereg_replace(' ', '-', $plaats['campingnaam']);
$plaatsje = strtolower($link);
$plaatstitel = ($plaats['plaatstitel']);
$regionaampje = ereg_replace(' ', '-', $plaats["departement"]);
$regiotje = strtolower($regionaampje);
echo ('<p><a href="http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/'.$regiotje.'/'.strtolower($link).'"
title="Vakantie in ' .$plaats['plaats']. '">' .$plaats['plaatstitel']. '</a></p>');
$host2=""; // De MySQL host of server
$gebruiker2 = "commentics_username"; // username of MySQL database for commentics on your server change to your own
$wachtwoord2 = "commenticpassword"; // Password MySQL database on server
$dbnaam2="commentics_db"; // Database name for commentics on your server
mysql_connect($host2, $gebruiker2, $wachtwoord2); // No need to edit
mysql_select_db($dbnaam2) or die (mysql_error()); // No need to edit
//change line 52 commentics_database to your own database name
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `commentics_database`.`pages` (
`id` ,
`custom_id` ,
`reference` ,
`url` ,
`is_form_enabled` ,
NULL , '$plaatstitel', 'http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/$regiotje/$plaatsje', '
http://www.mywebsite.nl/vakantie-frankrijk/$regiotje/$plaatsje', '0', '2012-02-16 12:23:48') ") or die(mysql_error());