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Things you can do to speed up your pages


I've searched around and there seem to be several topics floating around. So this is just a collection of the steps I've taken to speed mine up, and I hope that people will contribute other ways to speed the pages up. So this becomes a sort of 'things you can do to speed up your pages' thing.

  1. Use in-page identifier and reference, rather than variables. The variables call on extra server functionality which slows them down. Example:
    $cmtx_identifier = 'Componon 80';
    $cmtx_reference = 'Componon 80';

  2. Combine CSS. Rather than have a separate call in the page for the commentics css file, I have everything in one master css file. Less css calls is faster pageload.
  3. Selective user functionality. I found that the user comments form loads a bit faster if you disable things like the html editor and country flags. This can all be controlled in layout > form

I'm sure there are lots more and doing some of these things will mean it's not a standard commentics script anymore. Would be great if other people added their experience.


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