La traducción al español está hecha para la codificación "charset=utf-8", lo digo por los problemas que hay con los acentos en español.
The Spanish translation is made for "charset = utf-8" encoding.
I have completed Spanish translation of all files in includes/language/spanish and updated it to v2.5, but there's one issue I would like to solve before posting the files. I have translated names of countries in countries.php and reordered them alphabetically after that. The problem is that when I display them in the drop list they remain in the same order as in includes/template/countries.php. For example, I have entries like below, which make difficult to find a given country:
Chipre (Cyprus)
República checa (Czech Republic)
Dinamarca (Denmark)
Yibuti (Djibouti)
Is there a way names can be displayed in the order they are in includes/language/spanish/countries.php?
Thanks for your willingness to submit your translation to the project. Unfortunately the only way to organise them correctly would be to re-order them in the template file. It would be fine for you to submit that file as part of your translation. In the next version the countries are stored in the database so there won't be this problem.
Find attached Spanish updated translation.
I have set a two language install following method suggested at so I can't change the order in the template or it will affect the other language.
Attached is a csv file containing 20 captcha questions in Spanish, similar to those in English. The file contains an extra field "lang" to define the language the question is in.