Hello, I have one more question: Why is not in the install_2 language file for the countries? Can I change this directly in the install_2 file or do I have to insert it in the language file?
The first thing that dies in the war is the truth!
Hm Alfi, hard to guess what u mean https://www.commentics.org/faq (dropdown language)
If u want to add german, copy the english folder and rename and so on, like written in the faq.
Btw. Im sitting on the translations (what I promised to Steven) the second evening already - quite a lot there.
(26-Mar-2018, 06:01 PM)Alfi Wrote: Hello Chris,
I mean that in the language file, the countries are not at all, but only in the install / model / main / install_2.php
install folder should be deleted after installation. Or you need to translate the installer package?
(26-Mar-2018, 05:54 PM)chris Wrote: Hm Alfi, hard to guess what u mean https://www.commentics.org/faq (dropdown language)
If u want to add german, copy the english folder and rename and so on, like written in the faq.
Btw. Im sitting on the translations (what I promised to Steven) the second evening already - quite a lot there.
Hello Chris, i have ever installed and translated frontend.
The first thing that dies in the war is the truth!