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A PHP session is available

I cannot figure out what the hell is going on.  Pardon my language lol.

I have made sure sessions are ended in my scripts that I run..

Okay so when you visit the very first page of the installer (/upload/installer/index.php) it starts the session on line 25:

PHP Code:

Then further down, on line 101, it does the following:

PHP Code:
if (session_id() != '') {
    $_SESSION['cmtx_session_test'] = '1';

That checks whether the session has an ID (which it should) and if it does then it sets the variable 'cmtx_session_test' into the session with a value of '1'.

Then on the System Check page (/upload/installer/system.php), it starts the session on line 25 (same as before). Then on line 121 it does the following:

PHP Code:
if (session_id() != '') {
    if (isset($_SESSION['cmtx_session_test']) && $_SESSION['cmtx_session_test'] == '1') {

That checks the session has an ID (same as before) and if it does then it checks whether the variable 'cmtx_session_test' is in the session and that its value is '1'.

So what I'd do is add some debugging code to find out where it's going wrong. On the line before the code above, add the following to see what it outputs.

PHP Code:

If you're certain that the session functionality is working on your server and it's an error with the installer then you can skip the System Check page by going to the URL /upload/installer/menu.php.

Have you completed the interview?

Thank you for the quick response.
I have tried as you suggested and got string(0) "" NULL

I was able to bypass by just going to menu.php and the rest installed correctly but i notice that when trying to log in it would just reload the login page.

Sorry for double post.

Our one site is running on GoDaddy and we have had lots of issues.

I have another server on bluehost which is where the database is anyway..
So can i install on my bluehost server
and have the pages I am going to use commentics on the my Godaddy server?

Played with php version and now getting Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 450177920 bytes) in ç´ on line 0

Okay so sessions are definitely not working on your site. That's a basic feature any host should provide so that's something they're obliged to fix.

In theory yes it's possible to set it up like that using a remote database connection although both hosts would need to allow it (some don't for security reasons). It's not a topic that I can help much with but there are plenty of good tutorials if you're not sure how to do it.

Have you completed the interview?

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