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Hello, I have read through the forum and found a few instructions on how to fix this issue and I have tried the recommended resolutions but with no luck. My problem is that everything works great but the thumbs up/ down - like buttons and although they are fully clickable, after the thumbs up is pressed the counter does not advance.
as suggested elsewhere in the forum I tried the direct URL edit to the comments.php and I also added the ob_start() to the php load in my site comment page file. Again although everything else works perfect the Like/dislike buttons are still non functional.
One more question is concerning responsive design. I assume it is perfectly acceptable to create a few mediaquery based responsive sections in the default.css stylesheet to make the comment list responsive without hurting the functionality of the PHP scripting......
I hope that I explained my issue clearly! Thank you soooo much for this awesome comment code plugin... Great project!!!
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Hi Steve,
Can you post a link to the page so that I can determine what's happening? You can PM me it if necessary.
Yes modifying the stylesheet shouldn't cause any problem. I'm actually going to start making the frontend responsive in the near future so I'd be really interested to know the media queries that you end up using.
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Thanks for the link via PM. Okay it looks like jQuery isn't being loaded by Commentics. It's causing a few other features not to work such as the average rating and some of the BB code. Commentics does a check to see whether jQuery is already loaded by your website before trying to load it itself. For some reason it thinks it's already loaded, possibly because you're loading jQuery straight after the Commentics script. You can try moving the jQuery code of your website to before the Commentics script or remove it so that Commentics loads it.
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Hi Steven, Thanks for the reply and advice.
I double checked my html and YES I had the jquery load at the bottom of the html tag instead of the head as recommended as a best practice these days to make pages load quicker... after reviewing my code I realized "DUH" that I had a few issues because of this advice... HOWEVER... I tried as you suggested to move the code to the head before I load the commentics html and I hard refreshed the page and NO Difference then I tried to remove it completely as you recommended because commentics will load jquery if detected missing and Still no luck..I even tested othe jquery scripts on the page to make sure that commentics loaded jquery even though I had removed it... Then I went back to the include/template/comments.php change I did and reset it back to default and still nothing ... then I tried the comments.php with the point directly to the vote.php using my domain with and without WWW... prefix... nothing then I went completely back to original default files to test just the code again nothing... Everything SEEMs to work but the thumbs...
BTW ... I also moved the example.php but renamed it 1.php into the root of the site to test with all defaults and the comments that already exist and still did not work but I left it there for you to check that out if it helps...
I admittedly am a php moron at present and sometimes I miss the obvious ... I review everything with firebug and rececked the order and I cant see my error... Any advice from here?
Thanks again,
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What you've changed has fixed the loading of jQuery (the BB code now works), so that's an improvement.
With regards to the voting issue, if you search the source code of your page for "vote.php" then you'll see that it's showing a closing PHP tag. Perhaps you've modified that line in the file /includes/template/comments.php?
If so, it should look like this:
url: '<?php echo cmtx_commentics_url() . 'vote.php'?>',
Resulting in source code similar to this:
url: '',
After you've changed that, you might find that it's still not working. This is because your vote.php file is sending back a "301 Moved Permanently" response (you can see this in the 'Console' tab in Firebug after clicking the thumb). So maybe you have something in your website's .htaccess file that's causing that.
With the average rating it's getting a 500 Internal Server Error response. I imagine that's also related to your .htaccess file but check your apache error log for the details.
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Hi again Steven,
Thanks again for the guidance. I see the error you mentioned under Firebug. I fixed the comments.php back to default... now I have to try to find and resolve the htaccess issue... I am using Boilerplate as my base for my pages and it included a default htaccess file that I left untouched... Currently I removed the htaccess until I better understand the purpose.... I will try to figure out what I can and I will post my conclusion and/or confusion as or if I figure things out...
Thanks again... BTW. You replied very quickly but I did not know because I was waiting for an email notification. I did not realize that I would not receive an email when replying to the thread without a PM... Sorry for the delay... Your response time and service is incredible... Thanks again...