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My website Unique ID Client, and Gravatar

Good day,

Thanks for wonderful script!

Ok, so I have spend some time reading through most of the threads, and learned a lot... but I still need some answers please.

I have a client login website, where commentics will be used in various pages (URL - PHP). Every registered client have a unique client id number (client_ID). I use this id's throughout the site so members can see basically who's up to what. If client_ID=1 post comment, then other visitors may also see more comments made by client_ID 1 by visiting their personal page.

Appart from default settings
$cmtx_set_name_value = $row_rslogin['clientname'];
is there a way to assign my own client_ID from my database like
$cmtx_set_nameid_value = $row_rslogin['client_ID'];

Another question - Could I use the website link to enter path of clients photo to display on comments display
$cmtx_set_website_value =$row_rslogin['client_ID'].jpg;

(I am aware of how to hide entered values as per thread

Mark van Rensburg

Just a quick note, I am still building this website, so it would be easy to add any functionality on my database to accomodate.
For instance the code above regarding gravatar will not work, but I can easily add a column in db client table called client_picurl with full http address to photo - so correct code will then be -
$cmtx_set_website_value = $row_rslogin['client_picurl'];
the captured data will then be; (or 2, 3 etc)

Still I need the unique client id to enable the logged in visitor to visit the members personal page by clicking on the members name inside the comments form? If possible I suppose my members "client_ID" and commentics so called "created $cmtx_set_nameid_value" can sync in retrieving posts for a spesific member?

There is no pills for the stupid, I am truly sorry but I totally missed the table comments in my db.
I have a table called commune in mine, and I seem to totally missed the table comments.
Creating my own columns now should solve all my problems.
You may delete this thread, and bring out baseball bat to hit some sense into my spiderweb head
Very sorry, I am now your humble student - and shut-up (-:


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