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Hi Steve.

I know this topic has already been addressed in the FAQ section, however it doesn't seem to work for me as expected. I'm just trying to get Commentics to auto-approve valid(that meet requirements) comments and post them immediately after. I have followed the instructions of going to Settings -> Processor -> General: click 'Approve all'[√] to have all comments approved. However when having this option checked, it doesn't post the comment until I go to Manage -> Comments: Edit -Approve(yes), send(yes)- Here i just select both to be sure.

While writing this i tried un-checking the 'Approve all' box, and it posted a newly made comment, even with the 'send' option in the Manage -> Comments: Edit set to 'no'. I guess in my confusion i'm just trying to find out exactly what these fields do. Is the 'Approve all' check box meant to be un-checked for it to post a comment automatically as it did? and what does the 'send' selection refer to?

using v1.1.


If you select to approve all, then it means that you will manually approve every comment. If you want auto-approve then deselect it. The default setting is auto-approve (deselected) so you must have changed it at some point.

If a comment has been submitted and it requires manual approval then when you edit the comment you will have the option to send out the comment to subscribers. To do this, select yes and save the comment. Immediately afterwards, the send option will say that the comment has already been sent and it will tell you how many subscribers it was sent to. If a comment has been submitted and it didn't require approval then this will happen automatically (unless you configure to manually approve notifications in settings -> notifications).

If you're not using the subscriber feature then you can turn it off in settings -> notifications and this will remove the send option from the edit comment page.

Have you completed the interview?

Hi Steven ...
This relates to an email a client just sent me I think and I am not sure what he means ...
Quote:Hi Norbert,
Just to update my last reply - the comments is now added to both sections ... apparently I had to confirm the first one via an email click response before I could add the second comment. This is good but was not obvious lol.
Do I understand this right when I say, if anyone adds a comment, before they can add another comment (though that would be on a different page) they need to confirm their first comment?

How to turn that off, if I wanted to?




The only time that Commentics asks for an 'email click response' is for the email subscription, whether it be to confirm the email address or to re-activate the subscription. But this has no affect on the person being able to comment on the page.

Have you completed the interview?

copy that, TKS, Steven

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