13-Feb-2018, 08:52 PM
Very-vey great script. I planned to integrate 1-2 years earlier, but there were some speed issues, but maybe just because I migrated tens of thousands of old comments (I hope now it is fast -
if not, would you do custom work - caching, if that is possible?).
I would have 2 questions (I donated :), I hope you can help me, and these are not too time-consuming modifications for you.
1. How can I change the order of the form and the comments? So first: comments, then: comment form. In previous versions, as I remember, there was a way for that.
I was phisically able to change at commentics/feltoltes/frontend/view/default/template/main/page.tpl (maybe in a bad way, i am not good at php) But if I do that, cannot comment: either nothing happens if I click to comment, or I get "form security token is invalid" notice if I mofiy other way.
(This is important because at version 2.5, it was relatively easily migrate my comments from gentlesource. But at 3.1 it doesn't seem to be possible, admin shows them, but frontend not. So I have to hardcode my old comments to html. Therefore, at Commentics, comments must be first, and then the form. But migration is not I ask for help, because that would be very complicated)
2. I don't ike commenter's name on the header. Can I put it somehow before date, to
I am pretty sure I should modify commentics/feltoltes/frontend/view/default/template/main/comment.tpl.
3. (maybe, not that important): is there a way to be writtten #1, #2.. before comment date, I mean the order of the comment of a page? However, I would only use it if I can specify the number of the first comment (because of the old comments, first comment shoulc be, for example, #92).
Very-vey great script. I planned to integrate 1-2 years earlier, but there were some speed issues, but maybe just because I migrated tens of thousands of old comments (I hope now it is fast -
if not, would you do custom work - caching, if that is possible?).
I would have 2 questions (I donated :), I hope you can help me, and these are not too time-consuming modifications for you.
1. How can I change the order of the form and the comments? So first: comments, then: comment form. In previous versions, as I remember, there was a way for that.
I was phisically able to change at commentics/feltoltes/frontend/view/default/template/main/page.tpl (maybe in a bad way, i am not good at php) But if I do that, cannot comment: either nothing happens if I click to comment, or I get "form security token is invalid" notice if I mofiy other way.
<div id="cmtx_container" class="cmtx_container">
<?php echo $header; ?>
<?php if ($maintenance_mode) { ?>
<h3><?php echo $lang_heading_maintenance; ?></h3>
<div class="cmtx_maintenance_mode"><?php echo $maintenance_message; ?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php if ($display_parsing) { ?>
<div class="cmtx_parsing_box cmtx_clear">
<div><?php echo $lang_text_generated_in; ?> <?php echo $generated_time; ?> <?php echo $lang_text_seconds; ?></div>
<div><b>PHP</b>: <?php echo $php_time; ?>s | <b>SQL</b>: <?php echo $query_time; ?>s (<?php echo $query_count; ?> <?php echo $lang_text_queries; ?>)</div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($order_parts == '1,2') { ?>
<div class="cmtx_comment_section"><?php echo $comments; ?></div>
<div class="cmtx_form_section"><?php echo $form; ?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php echo $footer; ?>
(This is important because at version 2.5, it was relatively easily migrate my comments from gentlesource. But at 3.1 it doesn't seem to be possible, admin shows them, but frontend not. So I have to hardcode my old comments to html. Therefore, at Commentics, comments must be first, and then the form. But migration is not I ask for help, because that would be very complicated)
2. I don't ike commenter's name on the header. Can I put it somehow before date, to
<div class="cmtx_date_area">
I am pretty sure I should modify commentics/feltoltes/frontend/view/default/template/main/comment.tpl.
3. (maybe, not that important): is there a way to be writtten #1, #2.. before comment date, I mean the order of the comment of a page? However, I would only use it if I can specify the number of the first comment (because of the old comments, first comment shoulc be, for example, #92).