I can't send You translation via PM as I can't add attachements.
Here You will find 2 CSV files :
- An export from commentics "Export / Import" (include English and French)
- An export from database (CSV for Microsoft Excel) with only French language
Hello Steven, I modified a lot of files concerning the French language.
I will compile them in a zip archive (trying not to forget some) so that you can make a first version of the French language pack that I will test on one of my sites ok?
Hi Steven,
When installing a language package (like extensions), the files belong to the user "web server".
Do you have the possibility to modify the user or the permissions on these files so that they can be modified via FTP?
Sorry for the delay. That's a good question. I've seen a few servers like yours where you can't modify files owned by the web server. I think most servers get around this by adding the FTP user to the web server group. I appreciate you may not have the option to do that though. I can look into changing the next version of Commentics so that when someone installs an extension (or uses the one-click upgrade feature) it will change the ownership of the files to that of the FTP user. It could either determine who the FTP user is automatically by looking at who the owner is of one of the existing files, or there could be a setting for it. Also perhaps a setting for whether it should change the ownership at all, since technically it's correct already. In the meantime I think this is something you'd have to do using SSH. Which host are you with? I know that on Cloudways there's a setting to quickly reset the ownership of all files. To uninstall a language pack, first make sure that it's no longer selected in Settings -> Language. Then delete all its files (you can check which files it uploaded by opening the zip file you used to install it).
Hello Steven,
I don't have a web host, it's my own server.
So I'm trying to make it as secure as possible ... FTP users are not in the web server group.
I actually went through SSH to modify the permissions on the files I wanted to modify.
I attach to this post the modified files for the French language pack.
Once you have modified the complete package (including emails), I will test on another website.
Okay, well as far as I'm aware, adding your FTP user to a secondary group wouldn't compromise on security. You might know more than me though on that.
I've tested your admin changes and they all look fine. Good attention to detail. I'll update the language pack with your changes today.
Unfortunately there's a bug with the current version of Commentics whereby it generates an error when importing emails. I've applied a fix in the development version (see link below). So until the next version is released I won't be able to include emails in the language pack. The countries and captcha questions are still fine to include.
Ok, let me know when you have created the package so that I can test.
So should I use the "test" version available on GiHub for testing (with a package including emails) ?
Indeed, I did not pay attention to the countries and captcha ... I will tackle it as soon as possible.
Okay I've updated the v4.0 language pack with your changes. Thanks but I don't think it would be useful for you to test the functionality of importing the emails. I think the important thing is just that you're happy with the email translations that you attached earlier on. By the way, did the feature I described before about changing the ownership of the files sound like it would help? If so I'll consider it for the next version.