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Escaped characters and Unicode(utf-8)

Various characters are not escaped properly. I've tested this in the demo, but it's correct there. Don't know why. Some characters are: ' / \ "
The first div's style attribute is an example in the code.

Any ideas? Maybe demo version is different from the released version? Could it be this:
comment text NOT NULL,

Unicode interpreted incorrectly(as ASCII?) in current version that I have downloaded, but in the demo, It's fine, seeing as it's not a utf-8 encrypted document. Mine is utf-8.
It encodes â or â� instead of ♞ or &#9822­­;
Maybe add an option to select encoding for the script?

Thank you for your support, Steven.


I'm giving you three guesses...

Do you have Magic Quotes enabled on the server? I chose not to deal with Magic Quotes when writing Commentics as it is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and completely removed in PHP 6.0.

Commentics will have a utf-8 option at some point. However I have never written utf-8 pages before so I will need to study about it first. Do you know any good tutorials?

Have you completed the interview?

No, Magic Quotes is disabled. As for utf-8, it works correctly on the demo page, only the
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/><!--ASCII-->
Should be
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><!--Unicode-->
Then the browser decodes it properly.

As for a tutorial, I don't know exactly what you need, but this might help you get started:

Edit: second link isn't really helpful. is though. A google search is also helpful

I'm giving you three guesses...

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