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Commentics's Japanese Commentary Site
*Sorry...I am not good at English.

I'm giving you three guesses...

Thank Static
I write "cmtx_latest_box".
"Cmtx_latest_box" doesn't make the program that is already dirty.
And, it is possible to build it in the homepage easily.

Commentics's Japanese Commentary Site
*Sorry...I am not good at English.

Utaka Wrote:"Cmtx_latest_box" doesn't make the program that is already dirty.
That one made me laugh (not the translation, the original message came through). In a good way of course Smile

Glad I was able to help. I'll take a look at the add-on a little later.

I'm giving you three guesses...

(31-Dec-2010, 03:05 AM)utaka Wrote:  "Cmtx_latest_box" doesn't make the program that is already dirty.

Sorry.. I used Translation.. Japanese --> English Blush

"Cmtx_latest_box" doesn't make the program(Program that is already) to dirty. Huh

Best wishes throughout the coming year. Static
Is this good English??

Commentics's Japanese Commentary Site
*Sorry...I am not good at English.

Utaka Wrote:Best wishes throughout the coming year, Static.
Thank you, and have a great 2011 too! ^Yes, it is.

I got the point that you made the add-on to avoid cluttering Commentics, but the translation made it seem like Commentics was already a dirty program. Don't worry about it too much. Google translate is not completely reliable when it comes to translating. I remember that on a certain bug-tracker, there were a couple of Russian-speaking people who most likely used Google translate. Just to test how some of the messages were translated, I tested it out. What I got from a bug report turned into something related to a teapot, with badly-translated snippets of the less important stuff Smile

You could still use Google Translate (and should if there are no working alternatives). The message gets through well enough most of the time, so don't worry about it too much. Once again, have a Happy New Year!

I'm giving you three guesses...

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