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Upgrade 2.5 to 3.4

I see several posts on problems that develop for a 2.5 to 3.4 upgrade, but I can't find an upgrade procedure anywhere.  One possibility, I suppose, would be to 
  1. Fresh install of 3.4
  2. Try to figure out how to script the 2.5 tables to 3.4 tables
  3. Look at the bits and pieces here to mop things up when that does not go very smoothly
Is there a better way to accomplish this?  There does not appear to be an upgrade script anywhere, unless I am missing something.

I removed the older upgrade instructions from the website due to it being so many years old and in order to keep things more current.

I've attached the instructions to this post. So what you'll need to do is download Commentics v3.0 from the changelog page and upgrade to that.

Then on the upgrade page you'll find a 'changed files' package for each version thereafter, so upgrade to each one incrementally.

Attached Files
.html upgrade.html Size: 1.98 KB  Downloads: 47

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Steven, Thanks for the 2.5 -> 3.0 upgrade instructions. Those were very clear.

When I got to 3.0 I reset my password and was able to log into the admin console. I then upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1, then to 3.2, then to 3.3, then to 3.4.

Now that the database is at 3.4 it brings up the login page, but it does not accept the password. I tried to reset the password, but it failed to send me a reset password, even after several attempts.

Do you have any ideas to get things going again somehow?


Interestingly, after I did the last database upgrade (3.3. to 3.4) I noticed that when I clicked the link to go to the admin panel, it took me to /(upload)/(backend)/(backend)/
From there, I tried /(upload)/(backend)/ but received the Forbidden message

Perhaps there is a root incorrectly specified in a root file somewhere?

Hi you can reset your admin password manually by following this FAQ:

Once you're able to log in, check your settings in 'Settings -> System'.

1. What do you see when you go to '/(upload)/(backend)/(backend)'?
2. Does that location exist in your site's files?
3. What files are in your '/(upload)/(backend)' folder?

Have you completed the interview?

Steven, Thanks, I saw that link in the FAQ. The link appears to be broken. When I hit that link in the FAQ the help server gives me a 404 Page Not Found

Wait, that is odd. I just did a cut-and paste into IE and it came up fine. Thanks.

Steven, Thanks. That got me started again. I renamed the (backend) that was the direct child of (upload) but not the grandchild. I now have (upload)/(backend)/(backend)/ with controler, model, view for admin, and reference the control pannel with https://(root)/(backend)/(backend)/index.php, which works.

Now I am wondering if I inadvertently put an extra layer in my directory structure? In ROOT/(upload) I have the following directories: docs, examples, (backend), as well as the examples and license. In /(upload)/(backend)/ I have 3rdparty, frontend, (backend), system, upload as well as .htaccess, config.php and index.php.

With my current configuration I can manage the admin functionality, but implemented pages can't read the style sheet, for example.

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