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No database loads after upgrade and version number reports v

I have just upgraded 2.5 to 3.0 but had to change MYSQL DB password (covers all my DBs). After, what appeared to be successful upgrade I could not log in to the admi panel so stuck in maintenance mode. Just sorted the log in issue and left maintenance mode once in the admin panel – no comments at all! The details in includes/db/details.php are correct using the full MYSQL user name and new password.

The details work fine for my SMF forum script so why is COmmentics not seeing its DB? Huh

Commentics v3.0 doesn't have an includes/db/details.php file. Do you have the right files?

The following steps (step 5) says to delete all the v2.5 files:

Did you update your integration code as well?

Have you completed the interview?

Thank you for toy reply.

I did follow your upgrade page instructions; however, stage 5 do not explicitly say to delete all the v2.5 files only to rename the new folders and upload the /upload/ folder onto your existing commentics folder ‘to overwrite everything’. Consequently, I seem to have an amalgam of both. Is the integration code the same as for 2.5? if so all my pages have it.

Can this be undone or fixed..?

On the upgrade instructions that I linked to, step 5 is:
"Delete the whole Commentics folder and all files inside it on your server."

The integration code has changed between v2.5 and v3.0. If you check the example1.php file in the download package you'll be able to compare the exact differences.

Assuming your database upgrade worked fine, all you'd need to do is remove all the files (except config.php) and upload all the v3.0 files again. Otherwise you'll need to revert to the v2.5 backup you made prior to attempting to upgrade.

Have you completed the interview?

Thanks Steven

I will see if i can unraval my mess.

By the way, your upgrade link  lists the steps as:

"1. Put the script in maintenance mode ('Settings -> Maintenance').

2. Back up your database ('Tools -> Database Backup').
3. Back up your files using FTP or cPanel.
4. Download the relevant changed files package below.
5. In the changed files package, do the following:
    rename the /upload/ folder to match your /commentics/ folder.
    rename the backend folder /upload/backend/ to match your backend folder.
6. Upload the /upload/ folder onto your existing commentics folder to overwrite everything.
7. Run the upgrade
8. Log in to your admin panel and make sure everything is working.
9. Delete the /upload/install/ folder.
10. Take the script out of maintenance mode ('Settings -> Maintenance')."

I guess at some stage these cgot rewritten and one vital step is missing from steep 5.

Yes those are the correct steps for upgrading between v3.0 and v4.0.

For upgrading from v2.5 to v3.0 the steps are here:

On that post there's a file attached.

Have you completed the interview?

I now have version 3 correctly reporting itself and it sees the database – but none of the existing comments are approved and on testing the new integration code it reports comments are disabled and there are no comments to display (should be 8+) see link test page. Is my installation still brioken?


There are only two reasons you'd see the "Adding comments has been disabled" message.

1. In 'Settings -> Layout -> Form', click the 'here' link at the top of the page. Is the 'Enabled' setting not ticked?

2. In 'Manage -> Pages' does it say the form is enabled? If not edit the page and enable it.

Have you completed the interview?

So in 'Manage -> Comments' you're saying all the comments are set to "No" in the Approved column? That would be strange as there's nothing in the upgrade that changes the approved status.

Have you completed the interview?

Hi Steven

1. In 'Settings -> Layout -> Form', click the 'here' link at the top of the page. Is the 'Enabled' setting not ticked? It was already enabled.

2. In 'Manage -> Pages' does it say the form is enabled? If not edit the page and enable it.

The pages states ‘Here you can edit and delete pages’ – I tried to edit the settings for the test page but only a delete button is present, no update or apply, also ‘Get help for this page’ now report 404 page not found, as do all such  links back to Commentics .

I was in error about all page not being approved, only the first page were, I successfully approved them so there id no issue there. I tried to edit the post once i realised my error but there was no modify option this time.

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