Before beginning the installation, make sure that you have the following:
- A text editor to edit the files. Notepad is okay or you can use a source code editor like Notepad ++.
- An FTP application to upload the files. FileZilla (client) is a good choice.
In the steps below, remember to replace with your own domain name.
Step 1: Download
Download Commentics to your computer and unzip the folder. 7-Zip is a good, free application to unzip with.
Step 2: Rename 'Backend' Folder
For added security you should rename the backend folder:
This will keep it hidden from people who may want to try to access it. Please don't rename it to 'backend2' or 'admin' as this defeats the purpose. Rename it to something difficult to guess but something that you will remember.
Step 3: Upload
Now that you have the script ready, you can upload the comments folder:
To do this, open your FTP application and connect to your website. You should see two windows; one showing the files on your computer, and another showing the files on your website. In the window showing your computer's files, navigate to where you have the /comments/ folder located. In the window showing your website, navigate to your public directory. Once you have the two windows prepared, simply drag across the /comments/ folder over to your website. The upload process may take several minutes. Once complete, you should see the /comments/ folder among your website files/folders.
Step 4: Create Database
Next you will need to create a database for Commentics to use. You can do this in your website control panel such as cPanel. It may also be possible in phpMyAdmin. Please consult your control panel's documentation for instructions, or contact your host for support. You will need to supply a name for the database. This can be anything you like but 'commentics' or 'comments' are suitable examples. Make a note of the name as you will need it next. If given the option, you should give at least the following privileges to your MySQL user: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, TRUNCATE and DROP.
Step 5: Installer
The final part of the installation process is to run the Installer. This will add all of the necessary tables into the database that you created. To run the Installer, open up your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and go to the following address: