(27-Mar-2012, 07:04 PM)Steven Wrote: Do you have Magic Quotes enabled? It would have said during the Installer.
You can check in Reports -> PHP Info. Search the page for "magic_quotes_gpc".
Thanks for that.
I have uploaded a php5.ini as per several sources and Godaddy tech help. Godaddy say it is not their "thing" to get involved with it. Which is a shame because I cannot get it to work. It is in the correct directory, but I am concerned that it only has the three lines I was told to include in it:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
magic_quotes_runtime = Off;
magic_quotes_sybase = Off;
In the process of searching for an answer, I find that php(5).ini in other peoples worlds, are apparently far larger and more complex. It doesn't look as if I could copy them and add my three lines, or rather I am worried about doing so as they seem dedicated to other applications.
In light of this I am even more confused.
Has anyone got a php5.ini file I could copy and add my three lines to?
Or any help at all with this.