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Some problem I don't understand

Hello! I been doing installation for so many years and never have any other problem to install script on localhost or any other servers. Do some modifications and understand English well.

My server have Current PHP version: 7.2

1. Download and unzip the programme.
2. Rename the upload folder /upload/
3. Rename the backend folder /upload/backend/
4. Upload the programme (upload folder) to your website.
5. Create a database for Commentics on your server.
6. Run the installer

Yes I have done this several time. After i can acces the backend no problem at all. Permission on file and folders are ok. Backend is renamed to baksida. Here is my files. So why is my front-page white or 403 on every URL i try to access the front-page. Where is the front URL?
I have installed under folder

This URL give 403

Any one with more experienced then me that can give me the right front end URL to access the commentics? Please check my files how it is installed here in my picture.


My commentics website

Ok, I found out that I need to do the integration first. Ok so I have the xample1.php that have all this I need. Where do I put that file? If I put that file to main folder /comments/ and rename it to index.php. Is that right or?

And my second question is why not include how to in this install txt instructions.

How many like me have manage to complete the install? Not many I guess. Lack of how to. I think if you do so you make more money for license. If someone like me don't even get past the free license and start up the site I never will buy the license.

My commentics website

So the big question is where is the discussion/commentics board? Not on my xample1.php

My commentics website

This Step Three
The last part is the code to actually display the comments and the comment form. This should be added somewhere in your HTML body tag, wherever you want the comments to be shown.

Where is that code? Not find this code anywhere and how to implant this code. Any one that can tell me where do find this code?

My commentics website

After several hour I finally manage to find out how to make the board/comments to be visible.

To owner of this script I suggest more on how to install to make the board visible on one page, not on different pages.

My commentics website

Many others like me just want to set up a site with this script so after the installation just copy the xample1.php to the Maine folder of your installation and delete the index.php you have there and rename the xample1.php to index.php and you have a website.

then you can open your site like this

This should be explained on the installation How to I think. It does not.

My commentics website

Here is one other very good tips that don't even is in the installation instructions.
If you install the commentics in the main domain like this
you need to add it like this in your integration or change the xample1.php

$cmtx_identifier = '1';
$cmtx_reference = 'Page One';
$cmtx_folder = '//';
require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $cmtx_folder . 'frontend/index.php');

and allso make sure that in backend on settings --> system it say like this

Commentics Folder: //
Commentics URL:

If you can't add Commentics Folder: // in the backend you need to open up the database table settings and add this directly in to the database. Backend don't allow to add // so the only way to add this is in the database directly.

My commentics website

Anyone have a problem. Don't hesitate to ask me. I'm a newbie but it looks like I am a PRO here.

My commentics website

Hi there. Commentics is designed to be integrated into your existing pages, so normally you would already have a page that you want to add Commentics to. The page for example might be in the root of your website or it might be in a folder called 'pages'. Wherever it is, this is the integration code to add to it:

PHP Code:
= '1';
$cmtx_reference = 'Page One';
$cmtx_folder = '/comments/';
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $cmtx_folder . 'frontend/index.php');

If you don't have a page to add Commentics to then you just need to create a new page for it but it shouldn't be put inside of the 'comments' folder. You could put it in the root of your website or wherever all of your other pages are.

Have you completed the interview?

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