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The web site which I am working on utilizes IIS rather than apache. Does this mean that I will not be able to use the commentics product or can I adjust it to work?


Ron Filipek

Hi Ron,

At the moment it only supports Apache. It may or may not work on IIS (I can't test it to confirm either way). You could try it and if you notice any issues then let me know and I'll provide help to adjust it.

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I will give it a try and let you know . Thanks.

i am trying to install the mysql file. It is created, and I ran the installer script, but mistyped the db name. When I rerun, it seems to keep going back to the original data and not allowing me to reenter the data again. Is there a way around this that I am missing or is there a mysql script I can run from my navicat software to create the db?



OK, I figured out how to run the installer script again, needed to overlay all the files in installer. Looks like the db is created and I am in the admin panel. I will be testing over the next few days to see how it works with IIS. May have to ask a couple questions in the process.

Thanks for the help so far.


I have been going through the dashboard settings. I am about to try testing comments and approvals. I did send a test email to the admin address, but it has not been received. I think my host provider might have some special email requirements to prevent spam. Is there anything that you can tell me about how email is sent within the code so that I can have a good conversation to debug the problem?

This email FAQ might help. From what I understand, you need to use the SMTP method if using IIS.

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This is perfect. I have to confirm that my email addresses are created on the web site and the email must be sent with SMTP authentication. Can you tell me if there is a dashboard setting for that information to be entered.

Also, as I was reading through the suggestions, I had a thought that I wanted to clarify. I want the administrator to receive an email when a new comment is posted so they can approve the outstanding comments. I am not sure when a commenter would receive an email however. Is that info in a knowledge base article?


By the way, the dashboard has a gazillion options, but I am owrking my through most of them. Wink

I have been testing the product on IIS server and all the features which I tried seem to work fine. Solved my email problem (needed to have special email and add SMTP values). The only item which I see in the documentation is the use of htaccess for pass through credentials. I am not using them so I will not be testing them, but I do not believe that IIS servers have an htaccess file normally. However, there is some indication from our host tech staff that they can make htaccess work on IIS.

Thanks for all your help.


It's good to hear that it's working. To answer one of your previous questions, the only time that a commenter receives an email is when they select the "Notify me of new comments via email" checkbox when posting a comment. This FAQ has all the information about what happens.

Have you completed the interview?

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