(22-Jun-2012, 04:27 PM)Steven Wrote: It means that the file /comments/includes/commentics.php tried to load the file /comments/includes/functions/page.php on line 31 but that file (page.php) was not found.
The first thing to do would be to check that it does exist. Open your FTP programme and check that the file /comments/includes/functions/page.php is there. If it is, check that its file permission is not too low (anything above 644 is probably okay).
It could also be that the $cmtx_path variable in your integration code is not quite right although it seems okay to me.
From what I can tell, ssi-comments.htm is just a part of your overall page so I don't think you should be adding the session_start() and the <html> and <head> tags etc in there. They belong in the commentics.shtml file. If you view the source code of your page, you can see multiple <html> and <head> tags in there.
Also, are you installing v1.8 or v2.0? Judging by the line number you posted, it looks like v1.8. If it's a new installation, it may be better to start with the new version.
Thanks Steven,
1-- page.php is on my server and the permission was 644 so I changed it to 666 but that didn't help
2-- the pathname at line 31 of commentics.php is "includes/functions/page.php"
NOT... "comments/includes/functions/page.php"
3-- changing line 31 to "comments/includes/functions/page.php" causes an error message for line 39 and changing line 39 to "comments/includes/functions/page.php" causes an error message for line 44 and so forth down through the file
4-- then I get... "Please ensure that this page contains a Page ID in its file."
5-- What does that mean?
6-- As you suggested, I moved session_start() <html> and <head> tags to commentics.shtml
7-- this left ssi-comments.php with only...
$cmtx_page_id = "1";
$cmtx_reference = "Commentics Test Page";
$cmtx_path = "comments/";
define('IN_COMMENTICS', 'true'); //no need to edit this line
require $cmtx_path . "includes/commentics.php"; //no need to edit this line
8-- but still get... "Please ensure that this page contains a Page ID in its file."
9-- How did I get integration codes for V2.0? I installed Commentics before you released it. Whatever. I'm just getting frustrated with the whole thing.
10-- So how do I upgrade? Can't find it under Documentation. Will I have to delete the database at my server, too?
I understand how slow and tedious an open source program can be, especially without lots of feedback from users. A few years ago I installed Word Press manually. Then Fantastico came along with basically a one-click install. What are the possibilities you folks can come up with something like that for Commentics?